CPIT-490/CPIT-632: Cloud Computing Architecture Spring 2024

This course is a survey of system administration and cloud computing where we introduce a variety of topics related to the management of production environments. Students who take this course will be introduced to the architecture and deployment of modern applications on the cloud. The course takes a hands-on approach and promotes learning by doing with an in-depth analysis of the tools and techniques that facilitate the deployment and management of applications on the cloud.

Note: This is a cross-listed course for both undergraduates and graduate students although it is mostly comprised of undergraduate students.



  • Time: Monday, Wednesday 11:00AM-12:20PM
  • Location: FCIT building, 1st floor, classroom number 1

CPIT-632: Not offered for Spring 2024


Khalid Alharbi, Ph.D

  • Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 01:00PM-02:00PM
  • Location: FCIT building, office: 113

Join our MS Teams team for announcements, submissions, and questions.


WeekTopicReadings & NotesAssignment & Labs
  • 1
  • Rajab 2nd / January 14th
  • Course overview
  • Overview of UNIX and LINUX systems
  • Essential duties of a system administrator
  • System administration and DevOps
  • Fundamentals of Unix and Linux systems
  • Chapter 1 (Textbook)
  • 2
  • Rajab 9th / January 21st
  • The Linux file system
  • The Bash shell
  • Shell scripting
  • Basic Bash scripting
Long weekend: No classes on Sunday
  • 3
  • Rajab 16th / January 28th
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Connecting using SSH
  • VM Instance lifecycle
  • Cloud Storage Solutions
  • Compute Solutions
  • Provisioning resources
  • Accessing resources
  • 4
  • Rajab 23rd / February 4th
  • Web hosting and app deployment (I)
  • deploying and running on Virtual Machines
  • deploying and running on Platform as a service (PaaS)
  • deploying and running on Serverless
  • 5
  • Sha'ban 1st / February 11th
  • Web hosting and app deployment (II)
  • Fully Managed Databases
  • Storage on the cloud
  • Object storage
  • Block storage
  • File storage
No classes on Thursday (National Holiday)
  • 6
  • Sha'ban 8th / February 18th
  • Cloud Networking Fundamentals
  • Subnets and routing
  • IP addressing
  • Virtual Private Clouds/Virtual Networks
  • Egress/Ingress Monitoring
      No classes: Spring semester break is from Sha'ban 15th to Sha'ban 21st / February 25th to March 2nd
      • Sha'ban 15th / February 25th
          Midterm exam [TBD]
          • 7
          • Sha'ban 22nd / March 3rd
          • Network security
          • public key infrastructure (PKI)
          • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
          • IPsec tunnels
              • 8
              • Sha'ban 29th / March 10th
              • Virtualization
              • Custom Virtual Machine
              • Building Automated Machine Images
              • Configuration Management
              • Vagrant
              • Packer
              • 9
              • Ramadan 7th / March 17th
              • Microservices
              • Docker Containers
              • Managing a cluster of Docker containers
              • Docker compose
              • Docker Swarm
              • Kubernetes
                • 10
                • Ramadan 14th / March 24th
                • Cloud Architecture Patterns
                • Deploying scalable and resilient applications
                • Load balancers
                • Web Application Firewalls
                  • 11
                  • Shawwal 5th / April 14th
                  • Cloud observability tools
                  • Log management
                  • Performance Management
                  • Performance tracing tools
                  • Project demo and final presentation
                      • 12
                      • Shawwal 12th / April 21st

                          Lecture notes:
                        • 13
                        • Shawwal 19th / April 28th

                            Lecture notes:
                          • 14
                          • Shawwal 26th / May 5th

                              Lecture notes:
                            • 15
                            • Dhu al-Qa'dah 4th / May 12th
                            • Lab exam and project demo

                                Lecture notes:
                              • 16
                              • Dhu al-Qa'dah 11th / May 19th
                              • Final Exams (Dhu al-Qa'dah 11th-29th / May 19th-June 6th)

                                  Lecture notes: