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Assignment 6

You need to create a simple web page, serve it using the apache web server, and map a domain name to your server public IP address.

You are asked to set up DNS aliases with the Apache web server. First, you need to obtain a domain name from a domain name registrar. You may obtain a free domain through GitHub student pack or others. Second, you need to set up and manage the DNS records for your domain by using a DNS hosting service such as Azure or the one provided by domain name registrar, where you simply enter the nameserver name and the public IP address of your VM instance through the dashboard of the DNS hosting service.

Submit a PDF file that contains the link to your domain and screenshots of the steps you followed to register a domain name and map it to an instance.

Assignments are due at the beginning of the following week one hour before the class. A submission will be labeled late when it has been submitted past the due date.