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Introduction to Docker Containers

What is Docker?

Docker is a platform for developing, deploying, and running applications in Linux containers. Docker is a popular tool for many reasons:

  • Containerization: Operating system level virtualization.
  • Lightweight: Containers are often smaller in size than virtual machines and share the host kernel.
  • Portable: You can develop your app locally and deploy it on the cloud and run it anywhere where you can run Docker.
  • Manageable: You can break a large monolithic application into a collection of small units, where each unit runs in its own container. This technique is known as Microservices.
  • Scalable: You can increase the number of containers and create identical replicas of them.

Download and Install Docker

Please refer to the instructions on the Docker documentation at: docs.docker.com/install to install Docker Community Edition (CE) on your platform. Docker works in a client-server architecture. You have a long-running background/daemon process (the dockerd command). and a docker client (the docker command) that communicates with the daemon process by passing requests to it .

Docker CLI

You will use the docker command line interface (CLI) tool to work with Docker containers. It’s recommended that you check the available commands and options using docker --help. To make sure that you have successfully installed and started the docker daemon is running, run:

docker info

This command should return common statistics (e.g., number of containers and images) and basic configuration.

Containers: 24
 Running: 0
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 24
Images: 30

Images vs Containers

A Docker image is an executable package that includes everything needed to run an application (OS, libraries, and configuration files). It is the building block that docker uses to build containers. A docker image is made up of file systems layered over each other.

A container is the running instance of an image. When an image is running, it’s called a container. You can see a list of your running containers with the command, docker ps.


A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands or instructions to build a docker image. Below is a simple Dockerfile with two instructions:

FROM debian:12.5-slim
CMD ["echo", "Hello, World!"]
  • FROM debian:slim This instruction sets the base image for the Docker container. In this case, the base image is debian:slim, which is a minimal Debian-based image.
  • CMD ["echo", "Hello, World!"] This sets the default command that Docker will run when the container starts. In this case, it will print “Hello, World!” to the console.

When you build and run a Docker container from this Dockerfile, it will print out “Hello, World!” to the console and exit.

Build your first Docker image

To build an image, you need to select a base image from a resource or a repository such as hub.docker.com. Then, you may customize the image to your need.

  • To build an image from the Dockerfile shown above, run:
docker build -t hello-docker:v1 .
  • This will build a new image from the Dockerfile with the name hello-docker and tag v1.

  • The -t option adds a name and a tag to the image in the ’name:tag’ format.

  • The . argument points to the PATH that contains the Dockerfile, which is the present working directory.

  • To run the created image, run:

$ docker run -i -t hello-docker:v1
  • This will run the command defined in the Dockerfile, which was running the bash command, in a new docker container.
  • The -i option will run in interactive mode to keep the STDIN open and the -t option will allocate a pseudo-TTY.

Dockerize a Java application

  1. Create a simple Java program with the following content:


    public class App {
      public static void main(String[]args){
        System.out.println("Hello Java!");
    • In order to compile Java files on a docker container, you need to have a container image with the Java Development Kit (JDK).
      • Search the docker hub for an image with openjdk. The search results show various images. We will pick the official openjdk image with the tag 8-jdk-alpine because it’s based on Alpine Linux, which is a minimal Docker image based on Alpine Linux with a very small size (around 5 MB).

      • The Java program can be compiled using the command javac App.java, which returns a compiled file named App.class that can be run using the command java App. We will issue these commands inside the container.

  2. Create a file named Dockerfile in the same directory that the above java code is in with the following content:

    from openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
    RUN mkdir /app
    COPY App.java /app
    RUN javac /app/App.java
    WORKDIR /app
    CMD ["java", "App"]
  3. Build an image from the Dockerfile

    $ docker build -t java-container:latest .
  4. Run the container

    $ docker run java-container:latest

In-class Activity

Install Docker on your local machine or a VM instance and follow the steps above to dockerize the Java application. Submit a PDF file that contains screenshots of your screen.