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Fully Managed Databases

A fully managed database as a service is a database service managed by cloud providers that handle resiliency, scalability and maintenance. It’s a cost-effective, fully-automated database that provides maximum flexibility when it comes to setting up databases with replications to increase availability and scalability allowing you to focus on your application development as opposed to database management. Most fully managed database as a service on the cloud, have the following features:

  • Auto backup and recovery to protect data in the event of a failure.
  • Regular updates and patches.
  • Easy to setup interfaces and tools to customize the deployment and secure the database instances.

In this lecture note, we will work with a fully managed database service on the cloud. Many cloud providers feature a fully managed database as a service (e.g., Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Azure SQL Databases). Specifically, we will take a look at Azure Database for MySQL, which comes with a service-level agreement (SLA) of up to 99.99 percent or “four nines” (i.e., up to 52.60 minutes of downtime per year). To make use of the fully managed database, we will deploy WordPress.

Deploy WordPress with Azure Database for MySQL

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of all the websites 1. It started as a blog-publishing system but it evolved to become the CMS of choice for business, governments, news publishers, higher education institutes and more.

In this lecture note, you will learn how to set up a WordPress site to run a school website. WordPress requires a MySQL database to store its data. Therefore, we will use Azure Database for MySQL to run our MySQL database server. We will also launch a virtual machine instance to run our Apache web server, which will serve WordPress.

Azure Database for MySQL Web Server running on a VM instance

It’s worth noting that we decided to install WordPress and MySQL on separate servers for the following reasons:

  • Be able to scale horizontally by adding additional web servers to host WordPress as the website becomes more popular.
  • We want to avoid performing the overhead of database maintenance related tasks, including database backups and security upgrades. Going with a fully managed database service will free us from maintaining the database and allow us to focus more on the website and less on the operational aspects of operating it.
  • Installing both WordPress and the MySQL database on the same server makes them compete for compute resources in addition to being a single point of failure (SPOF) deployment, which is undesirable for any system with high availability and reliability goals.
  • Using a fully managed database as a service allows us to make our setup production ready with a multi-AZ deployments, for automatic failover and recovery as well as a better set of VM I/O optimized instances resulting in improved performance and increased availability and reliability.

Step 1: Create a MySQL Database with Azure Database for MySQL

We will start by creating a fully managed MySQL database for our WordPress site.

  • Login to your account on Azure Portal and search for MySQL. Select Azure Database for MySQL servers.

  • Click on Create and select the resource type ass Flexible Server for MySQL.

  • Complete the project details and make sure that the region you chose for the database server is the same as the region for VM instance server.

  • Provide the username and password for the root user of the MySQL database. DB Administrator account

  • Firewall rules: From the Azure Portal, go to the Networking menu and check the checkbox that says “Allow public access from any Azure service within Azure to this serve”. Alternatively, you may add the public IP address of the VM instance you will create in step 2. Firewall rules

  • From the Azure Portal, go to the Networking menu and click on “Download SSL Certificate”. You will later upload this to the web server instance. SSL Certificate

Step 2: Create a VM instance for the web server

Next, we will create a VM instance to run the Apache web server, which will serve the WordPress site.

  • Go to the Azure Console/Portal and create an instance with Ubuntu 20.04 being the OS image.
  • The region you chose for the VM web server should be the same as the region in which the VM instance server was launched in the previous step.
  • Add security networking rules for SSH traffic (port 22), HTTP traffic (port 80) for the WordPress site.
  • Launch the instance and download the SSH keys.
  • SSH into the instance
ssh -i my_private_key.pem azureuser@
  • Next, update and upgrade all system wide libraries using apt:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  • Install the Apache web server. This is needed to run WordPress and serve content from the VM instance
sudo apt install apache2
  • Install PHP and PHP MySQL
sudo apt install php php-mysql
  • Start the apache web server
sudo systemctl start apache2
  • Optional: Verify that your installation of apache and PHP is working by opening up your web browser and visiting the public IP address of the web server
sudo nano /var/www/html/test.php

Then add:

        <title>Testing PHP</title>
        <?php phpinfo(); ?>

Then, hit CTRL+O followed by CTRL+X to save the changes and exit the nano text editor. Next open up your web browser and go to the public IP address of the instance at Your-public-IP/test.php. You should see something like this:

PHP installation test

Step 3: Configure the MySQL database

Next, we will configure the Azure Database for MySQL database to allow access to our web server

  • Allow the VM instance for the web server to access the database server:
  • Create a new database for WordPress.
  • Connect to the database using the mysql-client. You can install mysql-client inside the web server instance using
sudo apt-get install mysql-client

and connect using the mysql-client as:

mysql -h database_host -u root_user_name -p

Replace database_host with the host name and root_user_name with the one you entered upon creating the database server. You can also obtain this information from the Azure Portal:

MySQL connection

In our example, we connect using:

mysql -h wordpress-db-server-2.mysql.database.azure.com -u dbuser -p
  • We also do not want WordPress to use the root database user for security reasons, so we will create a new user with limited privileges:
    CREATE DATABASE wordpressdb
    CREATE USER 'wpuser' IDENTIFIED BY 'some-random-password';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpressdb.* TO wpuser;

Step 4: Configure WordPress on the VM instance

Next, we will install the WordPress app and its dependencies on the VM instance and configure it to use the MySQL database we have already created on Azure Database for MySQL.

  • Download WordPress
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
  • Extract/untar the file and move it to the Apache’s document root directory and make it owned by the user that runs apache2 (www-data).
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
sudo mv wordpress/* /var/www/html/
sudo chown -R :www-data /var/www/html
  • Upload the SSL public certificate you have already downloaded in step 1 from the MySQL flexible server into your Desktop.
scp -i my_private_key.pem /path/to/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem azureuser@public_ip_address:/home/azureuser/
  • Note: Replace /path/to/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem with the path to the certificate file on your local machine and azureuser with the proper username for your virtual machine.
  • SSH into the web server instance:
ssh -i my_private_key.pem azureuser@public_ip_address
  • Move the public certificate from your home directory into a more appropriate directory:
sudo mv ~/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem
  • Test the connection using SSL and the created database username:

    mysql --host database_host --user user_name --ssl-ca /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem --password
    • Replace database_host with the host name and user_name with the one you created in step 3.
    • If the connection fails, then you would not be able to connect to the remote database in PHP, so you must first fix the issue that prevents the connection before proceeding to the next steps.
  • Copy the sample WordPress configuration file wp-config-sample.php into wp-config.php since we are going to use it as a template for our configurations:

cd /var/www/html/
sudo cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
sudo nano wp-config.php 
  • In the nano text editor, edit the the database configuration by changing the following lines:
// ** Database settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'wordpressdb' );

/** Database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'wpuser' );

/** Database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'some-random-password' );

/** Database hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'wordpress-db-server-2.mysql.database.azure.com' );
  • We also wanted to establish an encrypted connection to our MySQL server over TLS/SSL from the WordPress web application, so in the same configuration file, add the following two lines:
/** Connect with SSL */
/** SSL CERT FULLPATH to DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem */
  • Find the section that starts with Authentication unique keys and salts. You will need to add your own keys and salts. The section lists a link to a generator service at https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/. Visit the link and copy these values and add them to the config file. Make sure you uncomment these values by closing the comment as shown below:
 * Authentication unique keys and salts. 
 * Change these to different unique phrases! You can generate these using 
 * the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service}. 
 * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. 
 * This will force all users to have to log in again. 
 * @since 2.6.0 
define('AUTH_KEY',         'PUT_VALUES_HERE'); 
define('NONCE_KEY',        'PUT_VALUES_HERE'); 
define('AUTH_SALT',        'PUT_VALUES_HERE'); 
define('NONCE_SALT',       'PUT_VALUES_HERE'); 
  • Save the edits by hitting CTRL+O followed by CTRL+X.

Step 5: Configure WordPress for the school website

Next, we will configure WordPress and customize it for a school website by using a theme and a set of plugins that are suitable for a school website.

  • Find a theme on GitHub
  • To install the theme, log into the admin dashboard, then go to Appearance > Themes > Add New.

Step 6: Destruction and cleaning up

Finally, we will clean up the resources that we have created in this lecture so that we will not be charged.

  • Stop and delete the VM instance for the web server and all the associated resources (disks and static IP).
  • Stop and delete the instance(s) for the Azure Database for MySQL flexible server and all the associated resources if they exist (replicas, disks and static IP).


  1. Getting Started with AWS Deploy WordPress with Amazon RDS.
  2. Connect to Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server with encrypted connections