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Presentation Project

Grade: 10%


You will need to form a team of two students to present and demo a product or a tool that may be useful in administering or deploying applications or resources on the cloud. You will need to pick a product or a service and submit it to the instructor for approval by the due date shown above. You will do a 15 minutes presentation and a demo at the end of the course.

What to submit?

  • Project idea: A list of the group members and the product or service that you’ll present.
  • Presentation slides (as a PDF file).

Type of services or products

  • DevOps tools
  • Infrastructure monitoring services
  • Developer tools and services
  • Migration tools and services
  • Serverless tools and services
  • Logging services
  • Analytics and machine learning services
  • Search as a Service

Due Dates


Due on Tuesday 30/10/2018 at 1:00 PM


Due on Sunday 2/12/2018 at 1:00 PM